Contributions vs. Profits

At uDirect IRA Services, we frequently receive questions about rolling over a 401(k) to a Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA) and how the profits generated within an IRA affect contribution limits. If you’re considering moving your retirement funds or are concerned about exceeding contribution limits due to successful investments, this guide will help clarify these concerns.

The Basics: Contributions vs. Profits

First, it’s essential to understand the difference between contributions and profits within an IRA.

Contributions: These are deposits you make directly into your IRA from your personal funds, such as from a checking or savings account. To contribute, you generally need to have earned income from a job or self-employment. However, even if you don’t have personal income, you may still contribute to an IRA if your spouse has earned income, and you file a joint tax return. The IRS sets annual limits on how much you can contribute to a Traditional or Roth IRA, and these limits are subject to change, so it’s important to stay informed about current thresholds.

Profits: This refers to the gains made from investments within your IRA. For example, if your IRA lends money, the interest earned from those loan payments counts as profits. Similarly, if your IRA owns rental property, the rental income and any appreciation in property value upon sale are also considered profits. Unlike contributions, there are no limits on the amount of profit your IRA can generate.

Rolling Over Funds from a 401(k) to a Self-Directed IRA

When you roll over funds from a 401(k) or other retirement account into an SDIRA, the process involves transferring contributions made by you or your employer, as well as any investment profits accrued within that account. Once these funds are in your SDIRA, you have the flexibility to invest them as you see fit within the guidelines of the IRS.

It’s important to note that rolling over funds from a 401(k) to an SDIRA does not affect your annual contribution limit. The annual limit pertains only to new contributions you make directly from your personal funds, not to rolled over or transferred funds. However, typically, you can only roll over your 401(k) funds after leaving your job.

Important Considerations

While a Self-Directed IRA offers significant flexibility, it’s crucial to navigate this process carefully. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

  1. Understand IRS Rules and Regulations:
    • Familiarize yourself with IRS guidelines specific to Self-Directed IRAs, including prohibited transactions and disqualified persons, to avoid penalties.
  2. Due Diligence is Crucial:
    • Thoroughly research any alternative investments before committing your funds. This includes understanding the asset class, the market, and the specific investment risks.
  3. Work with Reputable Custodians:
    • Choose a reliable and experienced company that like uDirect IRA Services, LLC that specializes in Self-Directed IRAs. They will handle the administrative tasks and help you understand compliance with IRS regulations.
  4. Diversify Your Investments:
    • Avoid putting all your retirement savings into a single alternative asset. Diversification can help spread risk and improve the stability of your retirement portfolio.
  5. Be Aware of Liquidity Issues:
    • Many alternative assets, such as real estate or private equity, are illiquid, meaning they can be difficult to sell quickly if you need to access cash. Plan your liquidity needs accordingly.
  6. Keep an Eye on Fees:
    • Alternative investments may come a different fee structure than traditional assets. Understand the fee structure, including administrative fees, transaction fees, and any other associated costs.
  7. Know the Tax Implications:
    • While earnings within an IRA are typically tax-deferred or tax-free, depending on the account type, some investments might trigger Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT) or Unrelated Debt-Financed Income (UDFI). Consult with a tax professional to understand potential tax liabilities.
  8. Maintain Accurate Records:
    • Keep detailed records of all transactions, valuations, and communications related to your Self-Directed IRA. This will help ensure compliance and make tax reporting easier.  Download your online statement monthly.
  9. Consider the Investment Horizon:
    • Alternative assets often require a longer investment horizon. Make sure the time frame aligns with your retirement goals and financial needs.
  10. Understand the Role of Leverage:
    • If using leverage (e.g., taking out a loan to purchase real estate within your IRA), be aware of the additional risks and costs involved, including the possibility of triggering UDFI.  For a listing of non-recourse lenders, email
  11. Stay Educated:
    • Continuously educate yourself about alternative investments and any changes in regulations that may affect your Self-Directed IRA.
  12. Consult with Professionals:
    • Regularly consult with financial advisors, tax professionals, and legal experts who understand the nuances of Self-Directed IRAs to make informed decisions.
  13. Prepare for Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs):
    • If you’re approaching age 73, ensure you have a strategy for taking Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from your Self-Directed IRA, especially if your investments are illiquid.
  14. Plan for Estate and Succession:
    • Consider how your alternative investments will be handled in your estate plan. Ensure that beneficiaries are aware of the complexities of managing these assets.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, tax, or legal advice. Always consult with a qualified professional before making decisions regarding your retirement accounts.  uDirect IRA Services, LLC is here to help you~!  We are not a fiduciary and we do not offer tax or legal advice. We do not recommend specific investments, rather we guide you through the process to self-direct your retirement savings into assets you choose.  To get started, we offer a free consultation. Schedule yours HERE –  To open an account, click HERE.