Kaaren Hall, CEO, uDirect IRA Services, LLC
Your IRA assets could be in jeopardy. Tell your story now and let your voice be heard!
The “Build Back Better Act” before Congress has some 140,000 sections. Our lawmakers are being pushed to approve these quickly, without time to thoroughly read and digest the implications. Two sections would impact your Self-Directed IRA most severely.
Sections 138312 and 138314 of the House reconciliation bill (released September 13th) threatens the investment choices of an approximate 3 Million Self-Directed IRA investors in America. It’s time to tell your Congressional Representatives to delete these sections from the proposal!
What Can You Do To Stop This?
Speak up! Call, visit, email, fax, snail-mail your elected officials in the United States House of Representatives and Senate. Tell your story. Let your Representatives and Senators know how this proposal could impact you personally.
Not sure how to contact your U.S. Congressional Representative?
Go to: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
Not sure how to contact your U.S. Senators?
Go to: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm
What This Proposal Does Not Affect
- Brick & Mortar Real Estate
- Raw Land
- Precious Metals
- Lending from IRAs
- Mobile Home Parks
- Investing in performing and non-performing debt