What Asset Classes Make Sense in 2024 to Build Wealth in a Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA)?

As we navigate the financial landscape of 2024, investors are increasingly seeking ways to diversify and maximize returns within their Self-Directed Individual Retirement Accounts (SDIRAs). Unlike traditional IRAs, SDIRAs offer the flexibility to invest in a broader range of asset classes. Here are some key asset classes that we see our account holders utilize for building wealth in an SDIRA in 2024.

1. Real Estate

Residential Rental Properties
Investing in residential rental properties remains a robust option for SDIRA holders. The steady demand for housing, coupled with potential rental income and property appreciation, makes this an attractive choice. Additionally, leveraging your SDIRA to purchase real estate can offer significant tax advantages.

Commercial Real Estate
Commercial properties, including office spaces, retail centers, and industrial buildings, provide opportunities for higher returns compared to residential properties. With the recovery of various sectors post-pandemic, commercial real estate can offer substantial income through rental agreements and property value appreciation.

2. Private Equity and Private Placements

Private equity involves investing in privately held companies. This asset class can be highly lucrative, offering the potential for significant returns, particularly in emerging industries and startups. By investing in private placements through an SDIRA, investors can access early-stage companies and innovative technologies poised for growth.

3. Precious Metals

Precious metals such as gold, silver, and platinum are considered safe-haven assets that can hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty. Holding physical precious metals in an SDIRA can diversify your portfolio and protect your wealth from market volatility.

4. Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies have gained mainstream acceptance and continue to be a viable investment option. While highly volatile, the potential for substantial returns exists, especially with increasing adoption and advancements in blockchain technology. Including cryptocurrencies in your SDIRA can diversify your portfolio and capture growth in this digital asset class.

5. Alternative Investments

Peer-to-Peer Lending
Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms allow investors to lend money directly to individuals or businesses, earning interest on the loans. This can provide a steady income stream and higher yields compared to traditional fixed-income investments.

Tax Liens
Investing in tax liens involves purchasing the right to collect delinquent property taxes. This investment can offer high-interest rates and the potential to acquire properties at a significant discount if the property owner defaults.

6. Renewable Energy Investments

With the global shift towards sustainable energy, investing in renewable energy projects such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power can be highly profitable. These investments often come with tax incentives and long-term contracts that ensure a stable return.

7. Private Loans and Mortgages

Private loans and mortgages involve lending money to individuals or businesses secured by real estate. This can be an excellent way to generate passive income, as borrowers pay interest on the loans. The real estate collateral provides a level of security for the investment.


Building wealth in an SDIRA in 2024 involves exploring diverse asset classes beyond traditional stocks and bonds. Real estate, private equity, precious metals, cryptocurrencies, alternative investments, renewable energy, and private loans offer promising opportunities for growth and income. By leveraging the flexibility of an SDIRA, investors can tailor their portfolios to align with their financial goals and risk tolerance, maximizing their potential for wealth accumulation.

Investing in these asset classes requires careful consideration and due diligence. It is advisable to consult with financial advisors and conduct thorough research to ensure that these investments align with your retirement objectives and risk profile.

uDirect IRA Services, LLC is here to help you~!  We are not a fiduciary and we do not offer tax or legal advice. We do not recommend specific investments, rather we guide you through the process to self-direct your retirement savings into assets you choose.  To get started, we offer a free consultation. Schedule yours HERE –  To open an account, click HERE.