Foreclosing on a Loan Made by Your Self-Directed...

Does your IRA have a loan out on real estate?  Making a secured home loan from your Self-Directed IRA can be a great way to…

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Rollins v. Commissioner

In the court case “Rollins v. Commissioner” the court ruled, based on the facts and circumstances that the taxpayer was engaging in prohibited transactions that…

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Precious Metals IRA

There are several big pluses to investing in a precious metals IRA that many people point to.  Positives: One reason people choose a precious metals IRA is because metals…

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How Do I Retire?

Planning to retire? If you are asking, “how do I retire?”, you are not alone.  20.7 million people are expected to reach retirement age in…

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Become a Hard Money Lender with Your IRA

Becoming a hard money lender is one way to grow your IRA.  Promissory Notes, both secured and unsecured, are extremely popular with investors as an…

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Taking RMDs in 2020

Your need to take a 2020 RMD is waived Earlier this year the CARES Act was signed into law. One of the benefits of this…

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New Deadlines for Setting up the Solo 401k

Are you self-employed? Do you do the work yourself without any employees in any of the companies you own? Then you may qualify for a…

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Planning for Retirement

Ready to retire?  Most people aren’t.   So, how much will you really need in savings to retire? When planning for retirement there are several variables…

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How to Open A Self-Directed IRA

You have heard about investing your retirement outside of Wall Street but how do you get started.  This article will tell you exactly how to…

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Your IRA Can Be the Bank with Note...

Note Investing How would you like to be the solution to the problem small businesses face (and build your retirement at the same time)? During…

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Why Removing Money from Your IRA is the...

Should You Break the Piggybank? When you lose your job or have unexpected bills, your finances are negatively impacted. Looking at the funds you saved…

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Does a Roth Conversion Make Sense?

Does a Roth Conversion Make Sense for you? Imagine having a retirement account where the proceeds are entirely tax-free!   You can “convert” funds from…

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IRA Prohibited Transactions

You have a Self-Directed IRA, but do you know the rules? Some of these rules are referred to as IRA Prohibited Transactions. While the IRS…

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How the CARES Act Impacts Your Retirement Account

The CARES Act Retirement passed recently, and as a result, there are some changes to your retirement account to be aware of: RMD – Required…

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Covid-19 and Rent Collection

Did the tenants in your IRA-Owned property pay rent this month? Nearly a third of U.S. apartment renters didn’t pay any of their April rent…

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2019 Contribution Extension

Does the IRS now give me more time to contribute money to my IRA for 2019? Yes. Contributions can be made to your IRA, for…

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Save More in 2020!

NEW CONTRIBUTION LIMITS ANNOUNCED The Internal Revenue Service announced that employees in 401(k) plans can contribute up to $19,500 next year starting in 2020. This…

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How to Profit From The Next Recession

by Guest Contributor, Professional Investor David Campbell, founder of Hassle-Free Cashflow Investing As a professional investor with over a billion dollars of transactional experience, I…

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Required Minimum Distributions

When you have a pre-tax retirement account (like a Traditional IRA, SEP IRA or 401(k)) the time will come when you will need to begin…

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Passive Real Estate Investing

So you want to be a passive real estate investor?  Congratulations!   90% of the world’s millionaires do this to create wealth. Problem is you have…

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