An IRA can owe taxes? Here’s a surprise!  Your IRA can be taxed!  Yes, that seems counter-intuitive.  After all, aren’t IRA funds supposed to be…

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Opening an IRA for a Minor

Have you ever thought about opening an IRA for your minor children?  It’s a great way to save for their future. A Custodial IRA is…

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Saving for Retirement

How far along are you on the road to retirement?  Some of us are further along than others.  Saving for retirement is the way to…

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Why Having a Cat is More Work Than...

Do you know a proud parent of a kitty? It takes a special breed of person (like me). So even if you’re not a cat…

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Self-Directed IRA Contributions

Making a Self-Directed IRA Contribution:  You can make a contribution to an IRA regardless of your age! In 2019, Congress passed the Setting Every Community…

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How Long Can I Contribute to a Self-Directed...

Guess what?  We’re living longer! U.S. life expectancy in 2020 was 77.0 years. One hundred years ago life expectancy was around 54 years.  As a…

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Moving Non-Cash Assets to an IRA

Moving cash to an IRA with uDirect is as easy as completing a Transfer or Rollover form. What about moving non-cash assets to an IRA?…

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The Secure Act 2.0

What’s new in 2022 for your IRA? We may see a resurgence of some of the proposals considered in the Build Back Better Act. For…

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No “Gold At Home”

You’re at home watching late-night television and you see a commercial. There’s a man sitting in an easy chair caressing the gold bullion he is…

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Threat to IRAs Off the Table

Your Self-Directed account faced threats this year from the Build Back Better Act.  Now those threats are off the table, but for how long? THE…

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2022 Contribution Limits

  Get ready for retirement by contributing to your retirement account!  Take a minute to write a check to your IRA and invest in your…

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RMDs for 2021

REQUIRED MINIMUM DISTRIBUTIONS (RMD’s): At age 72, you need to take “required minimum distributions” from your retirement accounts.  The deadline is December 31st of each…

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Congress is not just targeting mega-IRAs!

Self-Directed IRA investment in Private Placement Equity and IRA-Owned LLCs are on the line right now.  Congress is not just targeting mega-IRAs! We all heard…

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Tell Your Story!

Your IRA assets could be in jeopardy.  Tell your story now and let your voice be heard! The “Build Back Better Act” before Congress has…

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Hands Off My IRA!

In this article I’m going to discuss a few reasons why Sections 138312 and 138314 of the House reconciliation bill (released September 13th) threatens the…

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The “Checkbook IRA”

When you open a Self-Directed retirement account, does it come with a checkbook?  We get asked that question often.  The answer is “No”.  The “Checkbook…

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IRA/401k Asset Valuations

Every year your Self-Directed IRA custodian reports the value of the assets in your account to the IRS.  Accomplishing this requires the account holder to…

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The Differences Between Pre-Tax and After-Tax Retirement

Types of Retirement Accounts: You probably heard of a Traditional and a Roth IRA. You might not know there are different types of IRAs to…

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Inheriting a Retirement Account

Do you have a retirement account? You need to designate a beneficiary. That is where this story begins. IRA inheritance is a bumpy story, so…

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The Spousal IRA

With a Spousal IRA (also known as the Kay Bailey Hutchison Spousal IRA), you do not need to earn income to contribute to an IRA…

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